Theology, Divinity and Religion, University of Birmingham
Thesis title:
My research is focused on material and textual analysis of the Temple Scroll manuscripts.
"An Analysis of the Codicological Features of the Qumran Cave 11Q Manuscripts." Dead Sea Discoveries (published online ahead of print, 2024).
SBL Annual Conference Nov 2024:
The Impenetrable Temple: An Exploration of the Nature of Impurity in the Temple Scroll
Arousing Emotions of Joy and Hope: The Temple Scroll's Rewriting of the First Fruits Festivals and Sukkot
EABS Annual Conference July 2024:
Resisting Empire: Reading the Temple Scroll as Counter-Hegemony Discourse
"For the Sons of Joseph": Exploring the Temple Scroll's Twelve Tribe Vision
M4C Research Fest 2022: "More Than Words: Considering the Material Features of the Temple Scroll Manuscripts"
Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
Midlands4Cities AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (2021-present)
Ulrich Simon Prize, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, King's College London (highest average mark in the department) (2020)
Academic scholarship, Worcester College, Oxford (2002-2004)
I completed a BA in Theology at Oxford University and later completed an MA in Religion (Biblical Studies) at King's College London, graduating with a Distinction. I began doctoral studies at the University of Birmingham in October 2021.
Birmingham Biblical Studies Seminar - "An Impenetrable Temple: Impurity and Sacred Space in the Temple Scroll" (May 2023)
Oak Hill College Graduate Seminar - "Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls" (April 2022)
University of Birmingham, Postgraduate Teaching Assistant
Political Theologies 2023-24
The Bible and Global Challenges 2022-23
Introduction to the Study of Religion 2022-23
I have also been awarded the status of Associate Fellow of the HEA (AFHEA)