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Adela Kratenova

Law and Legal Studies, Nottingham Trent University

Thesis title:

Developing a structured information repository concerning cross-border dispute resolution for East Midlands businesses

The PhD research will analyse current Private international law (the ‘PIL’) and arbitration rules in force in the UK, and the corresponding practices of businesses in the East Midlands (the ‘EM’) pertaining to their contract arrangements with the cross-border partners concerning any potential disputes and dispute resolution.

Further, the research will examine the possible impact of the UK leaving the EU (the ‘BREXIT’) through identifying the disadvantages in case of the removal of the EU PIL regime on EM businesses. 

The project will also investigate the preferable future options of EM businesses as to the arrangement in their contracts concerning disputes and dispute resolution.

Finally, the research will identify the most reliable and certain modes of protection which EM businesses can utilise.

The research aims to identify possible ways for EM businesses to proceed with the legal arrangements in their contracts in cross-border trade, based on theoretical knowledge as well as on their preferred practise. The project will contribute to the facilitation of changes that BREXIT may bring and to help maintain sound trade to the greatest possible extent. The better EM businesses are prepared, the better relationships they create with their trading partners having a positive impact on the end customers.

Research Area

  • Law and Legal Studies


Kratenova A, 'Does Britain Want The Best And The Brightest?A Brexit Question' (2019) 53 The Law Teacher


  • University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference 2018, paper title: 'Enforcing global trading networks in a fragmenting regionalised world'
  • University of Durham -  Postgraduate Conference - Commercial Law in Times of Change, paper title: 'Challenges in a fragmenting institutional environment – the BREXIT and Private international law perspective’ 
  • International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences - 2nd Law & Political Science Conference, Prague, paper title: 'International legal relations in troubled times and their impact on substantive elements of international trade’; included panel chairing
  • Midlands3Cities Research Festival 2018 Birmingham, presented poster titled: 'Challenges - by BREXIT'
  • 2018 Nottingham Trent University Doctoral Research Festival, competed in 3 minute thesis competition
  • Midlands3Cities Research Festival 2019 Birmingham, presented poster titled: 'DEAL or NO DEAL'
  • The Society of Legal Scholars Graduate Conference 2019, presented paper titled: 'The end of the EU Private international law rules in the UK?'

Other Research Interests

  • Private International Law
  • International Trade and Commercial Law
  • International Legal Theory
  • EU Law


  • Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG)
  • The Society of Legal Scholars
  • The Socio-Legal Studies Association