Languages and Literature, University of Warwick
Thesis title:
My research analyses the proliferation of references to vulnerability in contemporary queer French texts. Whilst previous understandings of queer vulnerability placed emphasis on forms of violence originating externally (e.g. social discrimination, physical aggressions), a new generation of queer French authors has shifted the emphasis towards an expression of vulnerability inherent to their queerness. Seeking to challenge a discourse which associates the expression of queer suffering with passivity and victimhood, by bringing the texts of Louis (2014, 2018, 2021), Daas (2019), Debré (2018, 2020, 2022), Delabroy-Allard (2018), and Bouraoui (2005, 2016, 2018) together alongside Jean-Luc Nancy’s affirmative philosophy for the first time, I will offer instead a narrative of vulnerability as a form of agency.