Thesis title:
No Longer at Home: Tropes of Solastalgia in Contemporary South Asian Literary Narratives
Research Area
• ‘Ecofeminist Reading of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and The Ministry of Utmost
Happiness’- Muse India Literary Journal, Issue No:100, Nov-Dec 2021.
• ‘Representing Environmental Crisis in Digital Spaces: An overview of Climate Change
Discussions in Webcomics’- THINK, IAFOR Journal. November 2021.
• ‘No Means No: Sexual Assault Representation in Hollywood Web Series Post #MeToo’-PopMec Research, Hypothesis.
• ‘Field notes by a woman journalist who happens to live with a disability’- Skin Stories
[December 2018]
• “Nature and Indigenous Women in the Land of Seven Sisters: Ecofeminist Approaches in -Contemporary North-East Indian Literature”- at the International Conference on Contemporary Literature and the Environmental Imagination, organized by University of Ghent and Literature Green, Belgium [December 2021]
• “Exploring Studies at the Confluence of Ecocriticism and Affect”- at the International Conference on Theory and Discursive Practices in the Age of Interdisciplinary, organized by Royal University, Bhutan and Bharata Mata College, Kerala, India. [November 2021]
• “Inside vs. Outside: Understanding Space and Trauma in Nadia Murad’s Life Narrative The Last Girl"- at the International Conference on Voices from the Margins organized by St.Berchman’s College, India [September 2021]
• “Creating Safer Digital Spaces for Women: A Study of Sexual Assault Representation in Hollywood Web Series Post #MeToo"- at the Digital Humanities International Conference organised by EFLU and Shastri Institute [March 2021]
• “Making of the Milwakee Monster: Illustration of an emotionally unstable childhood in Derf Backderf's Graphic Novel My Friend Dahmer" - at the National conference on Literature and Children organised by St.Stephen's College, Dehi, India [February 2021]
Public Engagement & Impact
•Curriculum Designer, Partnership Fund Project, The University of Edinburgh: Designed curriculum and developed content for the project Chasing Sustainability: Tales from South Asia
•United Nations Secretariat Internship (Climate Change), UN Information Centre, New Delhi: Supported UNIC in Environment-related research projects by collecting qualitative and quantitative information on Climate Change in South Asia.
• Invited as Guest Speaker for the Learning Exchange Program on Disability Rights organized by the Commonwealth Foundation, UK, in India.
Other Research Interests
Media Studies
Graphic Narratives
• Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI)