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Andrea Brondino

Languages and Literature, University of Warwick

Thesis title:

The Decline and Resilience of Irony in Post-1989 Italian Literature

Research Area

  • Languages and Literature


Articles in academic journals:

Postmodernist Continuities: The Legacy of L'umorismo in the Ironies of Umberto Eco and Richard Rorty, in «Pirandello Studies», XL, 2020, pp. 38-53.

A brani. Paratesto e intertestualità in Gioventù cannibale, in «Griseldaonline», XVIII, 2, 2019, pp. 163.173.  DOI: 10.6092/issn.1721-4777/9838.

La letteratura come confine: incroci di generi e autori in Meridiano di sanguein «il Chiasmo», 23/11/2018, http://www.treccani.it/magazine/chiasmo/lettere_e_arti/Frontiere_confini/cormac_mccarthy.html  (accessed 28/12/2018).

Chapters in collective volumes:

"Apocalissi postmoderne. Smarrimenti e senso della fine in Gravity's Rainbow e ne Il pendolo di Foucault", in Chiara Lombardi, Luigi Silvano (eds.), Apocalisse ieri oggi e domani. Atti della giornata di studio in memoria di Eugenio Corsini (2 ottobre 2018), Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2019, pp. 161-172.

Encyclopedic entries and reviews:

Umberto Eco, in «The Literary Encyclopedia», 01/08/2019, link: https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=1385 (accessed 13/08/2019).

Italian Postmodernism, in «The Literary Encyclopedia», 27/12/2018, link: https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=19542 (accessed 28/12/2018).

Una laica misura della natura umana: recensione a Troppe cose a cui pensare. Saul Bellow:  saggi 1951-2000, SUR, Roma, 2017, in "L'indice dei libri del mese", aprile 2018, IV, p. 28.

Manuale di autodifesa per una conoscenza necessaria (ma non sufficiente) dell'opera di David Foster Wallace: Portatile, Einaudi, 2017., in "Doppiozero", 17/12/2017, link: http://www.doppiozero.com/materiali/hai-letto-infinite-jest (accessed 17/12/2017). 

Solo un altro romanzo famigliare americano? Paul Auster, 4 3 2 1, in "Doppiozero", 3/12/2017, link: http://www.doppiozero.com/materiali/paul-auster-4-3-2-1  (accessed 17/12/2017).

"I celebrate myself". L'io nella narrazione statunitense., in "Doppiozero", 21/06/2017, link: http://www.doppiozero.com/materiali/i-celebrate-myself-lio-nella-narrazione-statunitense (last viewed: 23/11/2017).


"Pirandello, Eco, Rorty: Shifts in the Ethics of Humour, the Comic, and Irony", 20-minute paper, conference title: ""Maledetto sia Copernico!": Pirandello and revolutions in contemporary science, philosophy, epistemology and aesthetics", Institute of Modern Languages Research, London, 19/10/2019.

Warwick HRF-funded: "REALiability": zone d'ombra in the inconvenient realism of I buoni by Luca Rastello", 20-minute paper, conference title: "Ritorno alla realtà", University of Kassel, 29/09 – 02/10/2019.


"The decline of irony in the Italian (post-)postmodern debate: reasons and effects", 20-minute paper, conference title: "CAIS Conference 2019", Orvieto, 13-16/06/2019.


Organisation of the conference: "Intermediality. Questioning the in-betweenness of media and artistic practice", SMLC PG Symposium, University of Warwick, 24/05/2019 (funded by RSSP, CADRE, and SMLC).


Warwick HRF-funded: "A brani. Paratesto e intertestualità in Gioventù cannibale", 20-minute paper, conference title: "Alle soglie del racconto. Nei dintorni della narrativa breve italiana", Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 10/04/2019.


"Chasing Sea Monsters: Herman Melville's Moby Dick and Dino Buzzati's "Il Colombre", 20-minute paper, conference title: "Tales of Terror: Gothic, Horror, and Weird Short Fiction", University of Warwick, 22-23/3/2019.


Warwick HRF-funded: "Do you think my body is funny? Mocking, destroying, and deforming people's appearance: the Italian cannibali as a case study", academic poster presented for the SIS PG Colloquium 2018, Body Narratives, University of Saint Andrews, 16/11/2018.


"Apocalissi postmoderne. Smarrimenti e senso della fine in Gravity's Rainbow e ne Il pendolo di Foucault", 20-minute paper, conference title: Apocalissi ieri oggi e domani. Giornata di studio interdisciplinare in memoria di Eugenio Corsini, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2 ottobre 2018.

Public Engagement & Impact

"Umberto Eco e Il pendolo di Foucault" - Ciclo "Filosofia e romanzo", Laboratorio culturale "L'ornitorinco" - 9th January 2020, University of Turin.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/553181541900064/ (accessed 19/01/2020).81571575_2844022178952337_7248462996601569280_n.jpg

Other Research Interests

Comparative literature, North American literature, postmodernism, New Realism, literary theory, reception theory, Apocalyptic myth, representation of history, Luca Rastello.


November 2018 - present: The Society for Italian Studies

December 2017 - present: Rete italiana degli allievi delle Scuole Superiori Universitarie

Scholarships and Awards:

October 2019 - March 2022: M4C Doctoral Scholarship, AHRC.

October 2018 - September 2019: SMLC Doctoral Fellowship, University of Warwick.

October 2015 - October 2017: Scuola degli Studi Superiori "Ferdinando Rossi" di Torino., Institution of excellence and higher education for University Studies. Access to interdisciplinary and academic path; 2-year MA scholarship; tuition-fees full exemption; on-campus accommodation provided.

October 2016 - March 2017: Erasmus+ Scholarship, 6-month stay at the University of Warwick.

Teaching experience

a.y. 2019-2020, University of Warwick:

IT321 Renaissance Rivalries: Power, Magic and Language

a.y. 2018-2019, University of Warwick:

IT201 Modern Italian Language – Oral class

IT324 Topics in Renaissance Thought and Culture 

IT323 Magic and Marvels in Renaissance Italy 

Non-academic teaching experience:

2019/2020: Rewriting history: case studies in 20th-century literature, The Brilliant Club.

Languages and Language Certificates

Italian: native speaker

English: fluent

IELTS (24/02/2018), band 8.0 ('very good user').

C1 Certificate of Advanced English, CAE (15/03/2014).

German: intermediate

German B1 Certificate, University of Kiel (26/09/2014). 

Good reading comprehension of French and Spanish.

Knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek.