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Annabel Wearring-Smith

Languages and Literature, University of Nottingham

Thesis title:

A Cultural Biography of Virago Press: Feminist Politics and Publishing Networks 1973-1999

My thesis is a contribution to the cultural literary and intellectual histories of the Virago Press exploring their success through the lens of the interlocking networks they created with the political communities of WLM, the book trade marketplace, and authors of the 1970s-1990s.

My research asks how Virago’s concern with its own place in history signifies their transition from publishers of emergent feminist work to purveyors of the dominant discourse of feminism, and how by changing the way history was conceived, they made it. This has wider resonances for scholarship of feminist histories as it provides a new frame of reference for academic understanding of the ways feminist discourses were transformed.

The network is both an object of inquiry and an approach in my research as it offers a framework for my discussion of how institutions such as Virago enact cultural, literary and political transformations. I draw upon a number of conceptual and methodological innovations to bring Virago’s story into focus. 

The networks I focus on are: 

  • The Women’s Liberation Movement where I examine the overlapping and interlocking networks of Women’s Liberation writers, journalists, educators and activists that shaped and informed Virago’s early publishing practice in the period 1973-1980. I focus specifially on Virago’s contributions to feminist interventions in three eky areas: History, Education and Sexuality.
  • The Impact of Individual Contemporary Authors where I focus on the impact Angela Carter, Maya Angelou and Margaret Atwood had upon the press. 
  • The Virago Modern Classics where I consider Virago’s development of the series which constituted a paradigm shifting intervention in literary canon as a network which connected the forgotten generations of women writers with living writers.

Research Area

  • English Language and Literature
  • Languages and Literature


  • 'Review of two Virago Memoirs: Lennie Goodings A Bite of the Apple and Ursula Owen Single Journey Only', Publishing Research Quarterley [Forthcoming] 
  • Feminist Book Fortnight 2022: The Tide Comes In: Feminist Magazines, Past and Present: Event Review, Time and Tide Magazine, 7th June 2022 (read here).
  • 'The 5th Annual LTS Conference (2022) ~ Review', The Languages Texts and Societies Blog, 15th September 2022 (blog). 
  • 'New year, new (guest) editor', The Letters Page, 19th Jan 2023 (blog). (read here)


  • 'The Image of a "Classic": Virago Press and the Feminist Reappraisal of the Classic', The Journal of Languages Texts and Society (LTS), Image(s) and Identity, July 2022.
  • 'Sexist-Stickers' and 'Ironclad Obscenities': Virago, Angela Carter and censorship in publishing, University of Nottingham Department of English PGR Symposium.
  • 'Semi-Pornographic' Sex-Textbooks: British Print Media Responses to Jane Cousins Make it Happy (1978), Feminism(s) in the Media, University of Ghent, September 2023.
  • 'Publishing History and Publishing Histories: Recovering Activist Histories for the Women’s Movement', Beyond the Fragments: 45 Years On, July 2024

Public Engagement & Impact

Public Engagement: 
  • Collegiate Presenter, 'Midlands4Cities Application Writing Workshop for 2023 entry', "How I Wrote my M4C Application", November 2022. 
  • Conference organiser for the Journal of Languages Texts and Society (LTS), Image(s) and Identity, July 2022
  • Conference organiser for the University of Nottingham Department of English PGR 'Work in Progress' Symposium, February 2023
Impact and Career Development projects 
  • Editor, The Letters Page Journal (January 2023- June 2024) 
  • Visual Media Marketing Editor, Journal of Language, Texts and Society (Jan 2022-)
  • Digital Archive Volunteer and Backstage Tour Guide, Nottingham Theatre Royal 40th Anniversary Heritage Project (Feb 2022-) 
  • Writer and Editor for self-created research blog, PublishHer

Other Research Interests

  • Angela Carter, The Sadeian Woman and the feminist pornography debate of 1980.
  • The history of the book trade and contemporary publishing cultures. 
  • Twentieth-Century women's and feminist magazine cultures.  
  • Suffragism, women's contributions to Modernism, and interwar women's writing and periodical cultures
  • Histories of, and women's interventions into, Fairy Tales and the Gothic. 
  • The contemporary book trade 


Angela Carter Society
Periodicals and Print Culture Research Group (PPCRG)