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Annette Willoughby

Nottingham Trent University

Thesis title:

Nottingham's ChalleNGe Partnership and Cultural Capital: how do we ensure young people become informed and inspired curators, makers, audiences and champions of culture citywide?

This collaborative research project is conducted in partnership with NTU and ChalleNGe, Nottingham’s cultural education partnership. ChalleNGe was formed in 2017, responding to the Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge, which asked cultural learning stakeholders to find new ways to partner one another to ensure that every child and young person has access to arts and culture (Cultural Learning Alliance, 2015). ChalleNGe’s 2019-2022 vision is to ensure Nottingham’s diverse population of children and young people are able to access cultural experiences and become advocates of culture citywide. In this research I will analyse, evaluate and pursue the objectives, set by ChalleNGe, investigating barriers to participation experienced by the city’s young people and how these may be addressed.

Research Area