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Ben Campion

Philosophy, University of Warwick

Thesis title:

Art, Agency and Ethics: A Critique of Aesthetic Scepticism in the Philosophy of Photography

Research Area

  • Aesthetics
  • Philosophy


  • Forthcoming. "Wilson's Multi-stage Account and the Dilemma of Videogame Photography", Debates in Aesthetics. *Winner of the Debates in Aesthetics Essay Prize*


  • June 2024: What is Photographic about Videogame Photography?, European Society of Aesthetics Conference, Naples.
  • December 2023: Response to Heather Widows's 'Myself and my Selfie', Philosophy Christmas Lecture, University of Warwick [Invited].
  • November 2023: Photography and 'the Photographic' in Videogame Screenshots. World Philosophy Day Talk, University of Hull [Invited].
  • October 2023: Videogame Photography Returns: Photography and the Photographic. Philosophy Department Work in Progress Seminar, University of Warwick.
  • October 2023: Collaboration and Trust in Photography. 2023 British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Conference, University of York.
  • October 2023: Photographic Style and Photographic Subjects in Sebastião Salgado’s Images of the Developing World. M4C Research Festival 2023, Birmingham.
  • September 2023: Collaboration and Trust in Photography. 2023 Postgraduate Welcome Conference, University of Warick.
  • June 2023: Understanding the Relation of Action and Knowledge in Flusser’s Theory of Photography. 2023 ESA Conference, Budapest.
  • June 2023: Photographic Style and Photographic Subjects in Sebastião Salgado’s Images of the Developing World. Philosophy and Race Research Celebration, University of Warwick.
  • May 2023: Intention, Knowledge, and Embodied Action in Schneider’s Photographic Performance. 8th BSA Postgradaute Conference: Aesthetics and the Body, University of Kent.
  • May 2023: Understanding the Relationship between Knolwedge and Action in Flusser's Theory of Photography. Philosophy Department Work in Progress Seminar, University of Warwick.
  • January 2023: Workshop on Debates in Aesthetics Photography Special Issue. Philosophy and Photography Lab. [Invited]
  • November 2022: Between Anscombe and Flusser: Inside the 'Black Box' of Photography. World Philosophy Day Talk, University of Hull. [Invited]
  • October 2022: The New Theory of Photography and the Dilemma of Videogame Imagery. Philosophy Department Work in Progress Seminar, University of Warwick.

Other Research Interests

I am also interested in the aesthetics of videogames, especially regarding their remediation of preceeding artforms. This has culminated in a soon to be published paper exploring the remediation of photography within videogames.


  • British Postgraduate Philosophy Association.
  • British Society of Aesthetics.

Professional Activity

  • 2023-: Editorial Assistant, British Journal of Aesthetics.
  • 2023-: Organising Committe Chair, Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference: Approaching Value, University of Warwick.
  • 2023-: Management Committe Member, Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts, University of Warwick.
  • 2022-2023: Philosophy Postgraduate Staff Student Liaison Committee Chair and 1st Year PhD rep, University of Warwick.
  • 2022-2023: Oragnising Committee Member, Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference: Subject and Identity, University of Warwick.

Teaching Experience

As a seminar leader:

  • PH379 The Philosophy of Terrorism and Counterterrorism. University of Warwick.
  • PH133 Introduction to Philosophy (thinkers covered include Plato, Mill, Hobbes, and Heidegger). University of Warwick.

As a guest speaker:

  • PH3B5/9GQ Work and Concept: Philosophy and Contemporary Art. Univeristy of Warwick
  • 600613 Detection, Depiction, Deception: the Philosophy of Photography. University of Hull.