Thesis title:
Creating a politically active, plural and critical public sphere: discursive programmes at Nottingham artinstitutions
Research Area
- Cultural and Museum Studies
Conference paper: 'Reformulating The Art Space The Museu De Art De São Paulo, Site For Social Activism' at Identity, Belonging and Activism in the 21st Century, University of Nottingham, UK
Conference paper: 'Blurring the boundaries social empowerment of The Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo' at Cultures of Participation, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference paper: 'Creating a politically active, plural and critical public sphere: Discursive programmes at contemporary art institutions' at Research Week, University of Leicester, UK.
Conference paper: 'MASP' at Understanding Everyday Participation, Manchester, UK
Conference paper: ‘Redefining Relationships: Self-organised Programmes’ at Free and Open Source Technologies, Arts and Commoning Practices, University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Conference paper: ‘Collaborating in the Art Institution’ at Audience Research in the Arts Conference, University of Leeds, UK.
Conference paper: ‘Exclusion Through Discourse: Boundaries and Obstacles Accessing Institutional Language’ at XII International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, The Inclusive Museum Research Network, Argentina.
Conference paper: ‘Language and other forms of uncaring practices in the art institutions’ at Atgender Spring Conference Caring in Uncaring Times. Online.
Chaired Panel: Visual Arts: Forms of Conflict and Dissensus. Gender and Resistance. Spanish, Portuguese
and Latin American Studies Forum. University of Nottingham, UK
Public Engagement & Impact
Guest Researcher at the MACBA Study and Documentation Centre (CED), Barcelona, Spain.
Guest speaker: Institutional discourse as a form of social exclusion in the arts, a càrrec de Blanca Jové Alcalde, Universitat Pompeu Frabra, Barcelona, Spain