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Charles Gough

Languages and Literature, University of Birmingham

Thesis title:

Queering the Soul: Sexuality and Self-Construction in Victorian Poetry

In the latter half of the nineteenth century, a significant group of poetic works emerged which foregrounded the soul as a means of examining the intricacies of queer sexual selfhood. Redirecting focus from the queer body as a site of perversion and sexual depravity – a notion which pervaded the late-Victorian cultural consciousness – toward the immaterial soul, such works put forth radical ideas of sexual subjectivity and imagined alternative models of same-sex love that were not predicated on sex or physical intimacy. This poetic treatment of the soul by queer writers in the late-Victorian era forms the principal focus of my doctoral research, and this project will investigate the ways in which a particular set of poets established in the final decades of the nineteenth century a mode of self-construction and expression in poetry that was contingent on the characterisation and transcendent capabilities of the soul.

Research Area

  • English Language and Literature
  • Languages and Literature


Charles Gough, 'Re-reading the Radical in John Addington Symonds's Memoirs: Poetry, Intertextuality, and Queer Self-Construction', Romance, Revolution, and Reform, Issue 5 (January 2023), 10-30, <https://www.rrrjournal.com/issue/5/article/re-reading-the-radical>


Charles Gough, "George Ives, The Order of Chaeronea, and Homosexual Community at the Fin de Siècle", Fin de Sexe? A Symposium on Sexuality, University of Edinburgh. (June 2024)

Charles Gough, "'Behold the dawn has yet to come': Queer Eschatology and Futurity in The Diary of George Ives", Queer and Trans History Now Postgraduate Symposium, Mansfield College, University of Oxford. (June 2024)

Charles Gough, "Recovering 'Angelo': The Textual (De)Construction of John Addington Symonds's Secret Sonnet Sequence", English Postgraduate Symposium, University of Warwick. (May 2023)

Charles Gough, "(Queer) Lyric Subjectivity in the Late-Victorian Sonnet Sequence: John Addington Symonds's Portrait of a Soul", English, Drama & Creative Studies PGR Symposium, University of Birmingham. (Dec 2022)

Charles Gough, "Marc-André Raffalovich's Queer Mysticism", BAVS 2022: British Association for Victorian Studies Annual Conference, University of Birmingham. (Sept 2022)

Charles Gough, "Queer Mysticism in Marc-André Raffalovich's 'Cyril'", Midlands4Cities Research Festival. (June 2022)

Charles Gough, "John Addington Symonds's Intertextual Selves: Poetry and Queer Self-Construction in the Memoirs", Oxford English Graduate Conference, University of Oxford. (June 2022)

Charles Gough, "Queer Mysticism in Marc-André Raffalovich's 'Cyril'", English Postgraduate Symposium, University of Warwick. (May 2022)

Other Talks

Charles Gough, "Queer Eschatology and Community in the George Ives Archive", 19CC Research Seminar, University of Birmingham. (28 Feb 2024)

Charles Gough, "Homosexual Eschatology in the Diary of George Cecil Ives", Familiar Terms Research Series, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin. (5 December 2023)

Charles Gough, "A 'Fragmentary Soul': Reconstructing John Addington Symonds's Secret Sonnet Sequence", English Literature Research Seminar, University of Birmingham. (3 May 2023)

Public Engagement & Impact

Other Research Interests

  • Poetry
  • Queer Studies
  • Decadence and Aestheticism
  • Visual Art
  • Life Writing / Confessional Writing


British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS)

British Association of Decadence Studies (BADS)

University of Birmingham Nineteenth-Century Centre (19CC)

Other Activities

  • Research Fellow - Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin (AHRC International Placement Scheme 23/24)
  • Conference Organising Assistant - Dickens Society Conference 2024, University of Birmingham
  • Organiser & Moderator - 19CC Postgraduate Symposium 2023, University of Birmingham
  • Research Centre Assistant - Nineteenth-Century Centre (19CC), University of Birmingham
  • Conference Organising Assistant - BAVS 2022, University of Birmingham
  • Conference Ambassador - BAVS 2022, University of Birmingham


University of Birmingham

  • Teaching Associate, English Literature (UG Year 2 – Decadents & Moderns)
  • Teaching Associate, English Literature (UG Year 1 – Poetry)
  • Teaching Associate, Academic Writing Advisory Service (UG & PGT College of Arts & Law)

Birmingham City University

  • Visiting Lecturer, English Literature (UG Year 2 – The Victorians)