Media, University of Warwick
Thesis title:
My project focuses on queer Brazilian production from 1964 to the present. It aims to develop a theoretical framework that accounts for the interferences between my selected films and the historical-political scenario upon their release. In countries with a high rate of violence against queer people, such as Brazil, the movie made by and with queer characters have collaborated to create awareness and secure rights for the LGBTQIA+ community.
In light of this, I intend to discuss the approximations between aesthetics, ethics, and politics in Brazilian queer filmmaking, focusing on the representations of marginalised subjects. This project will contribute to debates about gender, decoloniality, and cinema in a Latin American context. One of its driving questions will be: what are the relationships between queer audiovisual production and the political scenario throughout Brazilian history? This research will have a decolonial approach by focusing on a Brazilian context, promoting marginalised voices, and using mainly Latin-American scholars for its development.
My goal is to understand how cinema can help us identify a path of queer representations within Brazilian queer political history and how, in films made by queer people and films not made by queer people but that feature queer characters, there is a power structure centred on queerness. To that end, I intend to conduct a longitudinal study, with a social-historical emphasis, by looking at a corpus of 8 films related to different historical periods within Brazil. To explore the historical and political context that impacts the production and reception of movies, I will select works that cover the period between 1964 and the present. This periodisation is necessary because it encompasses a scenario of intense political change in Brazil, covering four different forms of political and economic regimes: 1964-1985 (military dictatorship); 1985-1989 (neoliberalism and nationalism); 1989-2016 (neoliberalism and democratisation); 2016-2021 (rise of the far right).
Within the select corpus, I intend to examine two films from each period, each of which will illustrate a different modality: films directed by queer people and films not directed by queer people but that feature queer characters. With this historical research of queer cinema in Brazil, it will be possible to map out and have a more complete and multifocal understanding of Brazilian filmmaking. Finally, it is essential to emphasise that my research projects seek a robust social impact due to their unique conceptual structure reshaping the knowledge of queer Brazilian people and their intersection with politics in Brazil.
Almeida, G.; Zacariotti, D. (2022). "Do I fuck you or do you fuck me? Performance, pornotopy and aesthetical revindication of the violence in Baise-moi by Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi". Book of Colloque Virtuel Internationel Politiques et Récits du Corps 2021.
Gelain, G.; Zacariotti, D. (2022). "I'm just Walter Mercado: iconography and iconoclasm as ruminant performative epistemology in Walter Mercado". Book of the Mucho Mucho Amor International Symposium: Walter Mercado's media complexity.
Zacariotti, D. (2021). "Aesthetics and politics in the embodied political subjectivity of Linn da Quebrada". In: 44th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Zacariotti, D. Massimini, A. (2021). "Subjection and Epistemic Violence in Conversion Therapies and Religious Discourse". In: 44th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Rocha, R.; Zacariotti, D. (2021). "Displaced authorship and audio-visibilities engaged in "Bixa Travesty". REBECA: Brazilian Journal of Film and Audiovisual Studies. v. 9, n.3.
Almeida, G.; Zacariotti, D. (2021). "Baise-moi or laisse-moi te baiser: underground feminine and escapes from representations in the work of Virginie Despentes". In: Résumés des communications Colloque Virtuel International Politiques et Récits du Corps.
Zacariotti, D. (2021). "From recognition to the redistribution of dissident genres based on language as power". Journal Temática. v. 17, p. 61.
Zacariotti, D. (2020). "Possible knowledge practices for undisciplined bodies". In: 43rd Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Molina, A.; Ferreira, G.; Zacariotti, D.; Silva, V. (2019). "Pornography and Imaginary: the problematic reproduction of fetishized bodies and subjectivities within porn films". INICIACOM: Brazilian Journal of Scientific Initiation. v. 8, n.2, p.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2018). "Transvestite sex as a political factor". In: 56th International Congress of Americanists. Salamanca: ICA.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2018). "Gender and Experience". In: 1st Aquenda on Communication, Genders and Sexualities. Porto Alegre: UFRGS Publisher.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2018). "Journalistic coverage related to the death of transvestites in Brazil: a portrait of disrespect for gender identity in the Laura Vermont case". In: 41st Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2017). "The fervor is also a fight". In: 40th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2017). "Trans Identities on Tinder". In: 39th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences. São Paulo: INTERCOM.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2017). "Pornoeducation: analysis of imaginaries generated in digital pornography". In: 2nd SEJA. Goiânia: UEG Publisher.
Molina, A.; Zacariotti, D. (2017). "Binarity and sign in advertising films". In: 2nd SEJA. Goiânia: UEG Publisher.
Gomes, V.; Zacariotti, D. (2016). "Research of texts on organizational strategy". In: 15th SECOMUNICA. Brasília: UCB Publisher.
"Politics of presence and trans black authorship in Brazilian documentary", XXIV SOCINE Meeting, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 2021.
"Aesthetics and politics in Linn da Quebrada's full political subjectivity", 44th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, October 2021.
"Subjection and Epistemic Violence in Conversion Therapies and Religious Discourse", 44th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, October 2021.
"Bubbles, Globes, and Foams: knowledge in a spherical and performative perspective of circulations", Comunicon 2021, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, São Paulo, Brazil.
"Micropolitical Performance Territories: the rise of queer bubbles in pharmacopornographic foam", IV Bienal Latinoamericana y Caribeña en primaa infancia, niñez y youths, Manizales, Colombia, August 2021.
"It is Not Secret, it is Sacred: Tyler Glenn and the Audiovisibilities of Queer Dissensus in the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints," The 56th Annual Conference of the Mormon History Association, Park City, USA, June 2021.
"Baise-moi or laisse-moi te baiser: underground feminine and escapes from representations in the work of Virginie Despentes", Colloque Internacional Politiques et Réctis du Corps, Université Paris Nanterre, Paris, France, May 2021.
"I'm just Walter Mercado: iconography and iconoclasm as ruminant performative epistemology in Walter Mercado", Mucho Mucho Amor International Symposium, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, São Paulo, Brazil, April 2021.
"The production of knowledge from the documentary (re)presentation of a Bixa Travesty", IV Student Conference on Communication Research, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, February 2021.
"Possible knowledge practices for undisciplined bodies", 43rd Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, December 2020.
"The transvestite aesthetic-political body in contemporary Brazilian audiovisual", 4th Meeting of Digital Networks and Activist Cultures, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, May 2020.
"Bixa Travesty – struggle and celebration of the woman's cock", Toronto Queer Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, November 2019.
"Journalistic coverage related to the death of transvestites in Brazil: a portrayal of disrespect for gender identity in the Laura Vermont case", 41st Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Federal University of Mato-Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil , October 2018.
"Transvestite sex as a political factor", 56th International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, Spain, July 2018.
"Gender and Experience", 1st Communication, Gender and Sexualities, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, January 2018.
"I know you want to like me: the influence of gender discourses on Facebook", 3rd International Seminar Unfazendo Gênero, State University of Pernambuco, Campina Grande, Brazil, November 2017.
"Pornoeducation: an analysis of imaginaries generated in digital pornography", 2nd SEJA, State University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil, October 2017.
"Binarity and Sign in Advertising Films", 2nd SEJA, State University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil, October 2017.
"The fervo is also a fight", 40th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Positivo University, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2017.
"Trans identities in tinder", 39th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Federal University of Mato-Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil, May 2017.
AIESEC - Member of Consulting Staff - 2016
• Politics;
• Brazilian Studies;
• Queer Studies;
• Decoloniality;
• Latin American Studies;
• Epistemology;
• Queer Culture.
BAFTSS: British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies
Director of the short movie "Mergulhe em Mim" - 2021
Director of the short movie "Me Falta Tempo para Celebrar Teus Cabelos" - 2020
Director of Photography and Sound in the documentary "Filhos de Dulcina" - 2016
Director of Photography and Sound in the short movie "Epíteto de Venûs" - 2015
Director of Photography and Sound in the documentar "Jovens Empreendedores" - 2015
Intercom – Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies
Best Fiction Screenplay - 2019
Best Audiovisual Advertising Production for the Internet - 2019
Best Poster - 2018
Best Motion Photography - 2018
Best Spot - 2018
Best Jingle - 2018
Best Graphic Design - 2017
Best Moving Photography - 2017
Best Advertising Photography - 2017
ABERJE – Brazilian Association of Business Communication
Aberje University Award - 2017
Universidade Católica de Brasília - Brasília, Brazil
Teaching Assistance
Communication and Gender (Professor Anelise Molina) - Jan. 2018 – Jul. 2018
Photography for Advertising (Professor Anelise Molina) - Aug. 2016 – Jul. 2017
Applied Aesthetics (Professor Florence Dravet) - Jan. 2016 – Dec. 2016
Universidade de Brasília - Brasília, Brazil
Teaching Assistance
Theatrical Staging II (Professor Sonia Maria Caldeira Paiva) - Jan. 2016 – Dec. 2016
Theatrical Interpretation II (Professor Julia Carvalhal) - Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2015
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Research Internship - 2021 – 2022
· Guest researcher in the Research Project "Landscape as Communication Territory in Contemporary Photography" coordinated by Fernando do Nascimento Gonçalves.
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - São Paulo, Brazil
Master's student - 2019 – 2022
• Scholarship by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoa de Nível Superior - CAPES (Brasil – Código de financiamento 001);
• Researcher at the CNPq Juvenália Research Group: aesthetic, generational, racial and gender issues in communication and consumption;
• Researcher in the Research Project "Gendered Musical Artivism in São Paulo: Communication Dynamics, Consumer Contexts, Presentation and Audiovisibility Policies in an Embodied and Translocal Pop";
• Member of the "Memorial do Consumption" Extension Project.
Universidade Católica de Brasília - Brasília, Brazil
Bachelor degree - 2015 – 2018
· Researcher in the Research Project "Communication and Gender – ComGenUCB".
Universidade de Brasília - Brasília, Brazil
Bachelor degree - 2017 – 2018
· Member of LTC – Transdisciplinary Scenography Laboratory.