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Elisa Vecchi

Archaeology, University of Nottingham

Thesis title:

In the borderlands: archaeological evidence for relations between Etruscans and Ligurians in the 6th-5th cents BC.

Research Area

  • Archaeology



  • Paper at the international conference "Don Gaetano Chierici a 200 anni dalla nascita" (Reggio Emilia 19th-21st September 2019) "Found at Campaggine, near Reggio. Prof Chierici 1879”. Nuovi dati sul ripostiglio di Campegine
  • Co-organisation of the annual Central Mediterranean Prehistory Workshop (University of Nottingham 29th May 2019)
  • Poster presentation at the 53rd Scientific Meeting of the Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria (Genoa 16th-18th October 2018)


  • Co-organisation of the session #696 at EAA 2018 (Barcelona, 6th-8th September 2018) "Re-thinking "interaction" in Iron Age Europe: comparing research traditions to explore alternative ways to interpret archaeological data"
    Paper "From the Baltic to the Mediterranean: Ancient Liguria and the amber exchange network"
  • Co-organisation of the workshop "Who do you think you are? Ethnicity in the Iron Age Central Mediterranean" (March, 24th 2018,  UCL Institute of Archaeology, London). 
  • Co-organisation of the conference "Building Cohesion and Unity: combining approaches to the study of the past" (University of Nottingham, 2nd December 2017)
    Joint paper with Chiara Ravera "Genoese is as Genoese does. Ligurian identity through the centuries"

  • Paper at the Archaeology Postgraduate Conference (University of Nottingham, 16th May 2017): "Bucchero Pottery in Inner Liguria: Contacts, Transmission and Innovation in Iron Age Italy"
  • Paper at the Central Mediterranean Prehistory Workshop “Bucchero pottery in Inner Liguria: Cultural contacts and technological transmission in Iron Age northwestern Italy” (University of Durham, 4th May 2017)

Public Engagement & Impact

Past Projects

2014 The Northern Dongola Reach Survey (Sudan)

The British Museum (Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan) and Sudan Archaeological Research Society (Director: D. Welsby)

2009 - 2010 Excavation at the Parc Archéologique Européen de Bliesbruck-Reinheim (France)

University of Parma and Department of Moselle (Directors: Prof. S. Santoro, J.P. Petit)

2006-2008 Italian Archaeological Mission in Durres (Albania)

University of Parma and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the program PASARP UNOPS United Nations for the development of human resources in Albania. (Directors: Prof. S. Santoro, A. Hoti)