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Elizabeth Lamle

Visual Arts, University of Birmingham

Thesis title:

Lucian Freud's Childhood Correspondence and Drawings

Research Area

  • Art History
  • Visual Arts



  • 'A Child's Perspective on Migration: Lucian Freud's Unpublished Childhood Correspondence and drawings', Innocence and Experience: Childhood and the 1930s Refugees, Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies at the IMLR, December 2021
  • 'Intergenerational Perspectives and Familial Dynamics in Exile: the Freud Family's Wartime Correspondence', M4C Research Festival 2022, Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership, June 2022. 
  • Presented an overview of my thesis, Cross-College Forum: Research on Race, Migration and Post/Colonialism, University of Birmingham, June 2022.
  • 'Lucian Freud's Childhood Correspondence and Drawings', 27th Postgraduate Research Student Conference, German Historical Institute London, January 2023.
  • 'From Personal to Public: Examining the Freud Family’s Archived Correspondence', Letter Writing in Holocaust Studies, The Wiener Holocaust Library, May 2023.
  • 'From Nazi Germany to Dartington Hall: Community and Migration in the Freud Family Letters', Creative Sanctuary: Refugees at Dartington in the 1930s and Beyond, Insiders/Outsiders + Platforma Festival , October 2023.
  • 'Art as a Medium for Exile Perspectives', Race, Migration, Memory, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, November 2023.

Public Engagement & Impact

  • 'Lunchtime Lecture: Freud's Juvenilia', Celebrating the Lucian Freud Centenary: From Child Refugee to Master of Modern British Art, a series of lectures oranised by Jewish Renaissance, run in partnership with the Lyons Learning Project and Insiders/Outsiders. October 2022. Click here to view the talk.

Other Research Interests

  • 20th Century German visual culture
  • exile and émigré artists
  • the Spanish Civil War
  • Figurative painting
  • Gender and queer studies


  • Postgraduate Teaching Associate, University of Birmingham, 2022/23.  Seminar tutor for first year History of Art module, 'Historical Concepts in the History of Art'.
  • Postgraduate Teaching Associate, University of birmingham, 2024/25. Seminar tutor for first year History of Art module, 'Writing Art's Histoires I'.
  • Guest Lecture, 'Is Music Political?' for the module: 'What's Trending (Current Affairs in Politics and International Relations)', Politics and Social Policy BSc, Aston University, 20/03/2023.


  • The Royal Collection Trust, Sights of Wonder, The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, June 2020.
  • George Wills, El Extraño, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Olvera, Spain, March 2018. 
  • Exposición Colectiva de Artistas, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Olvera, Spain, February 2018.
  • Minyoung Choi, Avanzamos/Volvemos, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Olvera, Spain, November 2017.
  • Stuart Weston, Paisajes, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Olvera, Spain, October 2017.
  • Katie Fletcher, Cádiz en Verano, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Olvera, Spain, August 2017.
  • Sirens Collective, Great Expectations, London, December 2015.