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Emma Horne

Languages and Literature, University of Nottingham

Thesis title:

A Land of Ice and Fire: An Ecocritical Reading of the Landscapes of Islendingasogur

My research engages with voyages between mainland Scandinavia and Iceland, the initial settlement of Iceland, the interactions between landscape and social status, and the links between landscape, place, and nationality. 

Research Area

  • Languages and Literature


  • 'Multilingual Environments in the North?: The impact of Old Norse and Old English intelligability on the onomastic oractices of early-medieval Lancashire', ISSEME, University of Manchester, June 2023. 
  • 'The value of place-names as historical, linguistic, and environmental evidnence: a Lancashire Case Study', Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference, University of Oxford, April 2023. 
  • 'The Function of Landscapes in the Íslendingasögur', The 11th Háskolí Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North, University of Iceland, April 2023. 
  • 'The near-absence of positive emotionality in the Icelandic Family Sagas', Lincoln Leads Conference Panels, University of Oxford, February 2023. 

Public Engagement & Impact

  • Vikings for Schools Workshops 

Other Research Interests

  • Ecology
  • Place-names 
  • Linguistic Environments
  • Codicology 


  • Scottish Society for Northern Studies
  • Viking Society