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Erin Green

Cultural and Museum Studies, University of Leicester

Thesis title:

Beyond 'diversity' initiatives: Interrogating whiteness towards a decolonisation of the museum space.

I am a PhD researcher in Museum Studies, with a passion for decolonising the museum instituiton. 

The recent drive to decolonise the museum space has largely been interpreted by museums as ‘diversifying’ the colonial museum white space. 

In light of a rapidly changing ethical landscape, where institutions are struggling with racial legacies and calls to action, my research aims to extend our understanding of what decolonial and race-conscious museum practice and visitor engagement looks like. Using action-based, original insights into whiteness as a racialised status elicited through the development of an exhibition on ‘race’, this research seeks to create a mirror onto whiteness as a highly significant contribution to museum ‘race’ literacy work. 

Research Area

  • Cultural and Museum Studies

Other Research Interests

Critical whiteness studies