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Fridolin Neumann

Philosophy, University of Warwick

Thesis title:

Heidegger's Intuition Thesis in "Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics"

In the 1920s and 1930s, Martin Heidegger intensively engaged with Immanuel Kant’s philosophy in a way that he himself acknowledges as “violent” since it always attempts to capture the unsaid in the written word. My PhD project revolves around a crucial claim Heidegger makes about Kant’s theory of cognition, evoking discomfort in every loyal Kantian: “knowing is primarily intuiting [Erkennen ist primär Anschauen].” I argue that in order to understand what is at stake here this claim must be interpreted along the lines of Heidegger’s distinction between ontic and ontological cognition (that is, cognition of entities on the one hand and cognition of being transcendentally determining our encounter with entities on the other hand). As I propose, the supposed primacy of intuition mainly refers to ontological cognition and hereby offers an account of human responsiveness to what could be called ontological norms which determine our ontic experience of entities in the first place. In Heidegger’s account, this (ontological) responsiveness is cashed out in terms of intuition which is structurally similar to (ontic) intuition involved in empirical perception. A major part of my project will be devoted to substantiating this account of ontological intuition.

With this project, I aim to not only contribute to the contemporary Heidegger scholarship but to also offer, on a more general level, a convincing account of how our human experience is always guided by preconceptions (which I conceptualize as ontological norms) not necessarily distorting our access to objective reality but nevertheless fundamentally shaping it. For this reason, I interpret Heidegger as a realist (not as an idealist) concerned with how our intentionality (that is, the necessary directedness of, in a broad sense, mental states to something) comes about. The ontological norms should be understood as enabling conditions to access the objects themselves. To briefly illustrate: a “tree” for example is understood in a fundamentally different way when we access it in the situation of a relaxing walk in nature, as a natural resource for maximizing profit, as a victim of human destruction, as the object of scientific investigation, as an element to be integrated into urban planning, from the perspective of philosophical convictions opposing nature to human culture etc. In each of these cases, a specific (implicit) ontological framework with different assumptions about what, for instance, general terms such as “entity”, “being”, or “becoming” mean provides our ontic access to what we encounter.

I hope to also integrate the issue of ontological pluralism and the question to which extent we ourselves are creative with regard to such norms and provide them ourselves, and to which extent we inherit them through culture and history, for example.

[This project outline is not up to date, I will adjust it accordingly. (09/2024)]

Research Area

  • Epistemology
  • Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Mind



  • 09/2024: "Kants Theorie des Witzes und die Brücke zwischen Natur und Freiheit" - XIV. International Kant Congress, Bonn
  • 04/2024: "Heidegger and the Problem of Intentionality" - Graduate Meeting of the Heidegger Circle, online (invited)
  • 02/2024: "Anschauung bei Heidegger und Kant" - Conference "Forms of Rationality - Kant and Modernity", Halle
  • 10/2022: "Fichtes Kantkritik in der Wissenschaftslehre 1804. Fichte als Transzendentalphilosoph?" - XI. International Fichte-Conference, Leipzig

Public Engagement & Impact

  • Co-organisation of the Heidegger Reading Group at the University of Warwick (weekly sessions) [If you are a graduate student and interested in participating, please get in touch with me! We also stream the sessions via Microsoft Teams.]
  • 11/2023: Public talk "Das Nichts, das uns alle angeht. Martin Heidegger über Kant und die Endlichkeit des Menschen" - Buchhandlung Böttger, Bonn, 03.11.2023

Other Research Interests

  • Nietzsche, Husserl, Adorno, Foucault, Derrida, Butler
  • Epistemology, Metaphysics, Poststructuralism, Feminism


  • British Society for Phenomenology
  • Kant-Gesellschaft e.V.

Academic Background & Experience

  • 2021-2023: MA in Philosophy at the University of Bonn, Germany (with distinction)
  • 2018-2021: BA in Philosophy, German Studies, Educational Sciences at the University of Bonn, Germany (with distinction)
  • 10/2024- : Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Philosophy [Plato, Hobbes, Mill, Heidegger], History of Modern Philosophy II [Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason], University of Warwick
  • 10/2021-03/2023: Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Ethics, Introduction to Epistemology, Introduction to Philosophy, University of Bonn
  • 07/2019-10/2021: Research Assistant at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter (qualitative social research)