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Helena Hunter

Languages and Literature, Nottingham Trent University

Thesis title:

Algae ecologies: scale, temporality and modes of address in contemporary Anthropocene poetry.

My PhD research project investigates the creative and aesthetic possibilities of how the complex multi-scalar relations between humans, algae and planetary health can be explored in contemporary poetry. My research draws on algae’s vast and microscopic scales, from minute plankton in the ocean to their role in deep time and present-day planetary systems. My thesis’s creative and critical components include literary analysis of poetry (Hymas 2020; Hadfield 2014; Watts 2020; Yang 2008), poetic writing and practice research at the Scottish Association of Marine Science. Motivated by Solnick’s (2016) assertion that poetry must find ‘new ways of thinking about unfamiliar spatial and temporal scales, about how we approach the metaphors and discourses of the sciences’ my practice research examines the interplay between different representations of algae across contemporary poetry and marine science. The cross-disciplinary nature of my project explores what poetic perspectives might emerge and what new ecologies of practice can be built through collaboration and experimentation across the fields of poetry and science.

Research Area

  • Creative Writing
  • Languages and Literature


'Telephone Exchange' and 'Tape Relay System', Bunker: Stories and Poems from a Nuclear Age, Nottingham: Five Leaves Press, 2024).

'Listening with Eunice', Map Magazine: #66 Tendencies - A Year of Carte Blanche & Other Chimeras, 2022.

'Postnatural Supernatural', The Contemporary Journal: Critical Poetics: Writing with Care, 2022.

'Earthbnb' APRIA Journal, Digital Narrations: Fails and Errors, 2022.

 'Air Morphologies', Wild Alchemy Journal: Air Edition, 2022, pp. 15-18.


 5-6 Sep 2024, Paper, 'Multi-sensory soundings in Carol Watt's Kelptown', Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, UK and Ireland (ASLE-UKI) Biennial Postgraduate Conference, Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network, University of Edinburgh.

28-29 Aug 2024, Presentation and screening, 'Hydromancy' Flowing Image Conference, University of Southampton. 

6-7 June 2024, Keynote, Exploring Human-Animal & Multi-Species Relations: Risk Taking in Research Methods, University of Brighton.

29 May 2024, Paper, 'Algal perspectives across poetry and science' Scottish Association of Marine Science, Seminar Series, Oban, Scotland.

10-12 Apr 2024, Presentation, 'Fieldwork: practice research across poetry and science', International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science, University of Birmingham, UK. 

28 Oct 2023, Paper, 'Fathoming microbial seas: scaling with algae across poetry and science' part of the Visions of Scale Panel, SLSA Alien Conference, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA. 

13 Feb 2023, Presentation, 'Spectres in Change: Site-Sensitive Art-Science Research in the Archipelago Sea', Goldsmiths University of London.

14 Mar 2023, Lecture, 'Transmissions' Lecture Series, Sheffield University.  

3 May 2023, Presentation, 'Ecological Imaginaries', a research network development symposium in the School of Arts and Humanities at Nottingham Trent University.

8 Jun 2023, Presentation, 'Translation in Remains' University of Angers, France. 

Public Engagement & Impact

15 Feb - 12 May 2024, Exhibition, Ways of Water, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield Museums.  

3 Feb – 5 Mar 2023, Exhibition, Field Casting, Titanik Gallery Turku, Finland: an exhibition that draws together ongoing research with marine biologists working with algae at the Archipelago Research Institute in Finland, in partnership with Contemporary Art Archipelago (CAA).

Other Research Interests

The intersections of visual art, science and poetry. 


The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) & (SLSAeu)

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)

British Phycological Society (BPS)

The British Society of Literature for Science (BSLS)

Critical Poetics Research Group (NTU)

Environmental Humanities Network (Warwick)

Environmental Humanities Network (Edinburgh)

Nottingham Creative Writing Hub (NTU)


9 Oct 2023, MA Art and Ecology, Goldsmiths University of London, Experimental Laboratory: Site-based workshop on poetry and human-non-human ecologies in Deptford Creek in partnership with Creekside Discovery Centre.

5 Oct & 20 Oct 2022, MA Art and Ecology, Goldsmiths University of London, Experimental Laboratory: Site-based workshop on poetry and human-non-human ecologies in Deptford Creek in partnership with Creekside Discovery Centre.

Readings and performance

26 Aug 2024, Ocean Explorer Podcast: 'Poetic sampling: when art and science collide' interview with Euan Paterson Head of Communications and Alastair O'Dell Marine Ecologist, Scottish Association of Marine Science, Oban. 

22 Aug 2024, live reading of poems, Scottish Association of Marine Science, Oban. 

21 August 2024, live reading of poems, Oban Seaweed Gardens, Dunollie Beach, Oban. 

17 August 2024, cross-disciplinary snorkelling and writing workshop with a group of marine scientists and ecologists at Bridge over the Atlantic, Oban.

25 Jul 2023, Reading and film screening, Encounters, Cafe Oto, London. 

5 Jul 2023, Reading, Shimmer, Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottingham.

3 May 2023, Poetry Reading with Rachel Bower and Helen Jukes and Annie Cross at Five Leaves Book Shop, Nottingham Creative Writing Hub, Nottingham. 

26 May 2023, Reading at Nottingham Poetry Festival. 

Specialist training and professional development

23 Jun 2024, Making of a Meadow: a midsummer field event, led a writing workshop ‘Scaling the Meadow’, Kent Downs National Park, part of the Royal College of Art Health & Care Research Cluster. 

17-20 May 2024, Research Retreat, ‘Tidal Movements in Environmental Humanities’, Cromarty Arts Trust, Cromarty, Scotland. Organised and funded by Edinburgh University.

1 Mar - 1 May 2024, Specialist training on the Field Course Module on the Marine Science Course at the Scottish Association of Marine Science, Oban, Scotland, UK. 

1 May - 30 Aug 2024, Placement at the Scottish Association of Marine Science, Oban, Scotland, UK.