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Henrietta Hale

Dance, Coventry University

Thesis title:

Relational Practices and the Tavistock Institute's Archive: embodiment and social engagement

The Tavistock Institute’s unique archive is a body of mainly written documents including project reports, fieldnotes, letters, and other records from 70 + years of multi-disciplinary relational studies.  It contains a history of action research, offering accounts of some key innovations in management thinking and change-making in organisational culture such as socio-technical systems theories (Trist, 1981).It tracks the development of multi-modal research methods and practices such as systems psychodynamics and Group Relation Practices. As such it contains evidence pointing to ways that the perception, meaning and values of work and care, have been understood, challenged and changed. 

Ive started with the question What critical thinking can emerge about the materiality of labouring bodies, as relationships between work, care, systems of production and desire for productivity are revealed through re-reading this archive from the perspective of lived experience?

Drawing on my participatory performance work over 25 years I am engaging embodied practices as research (PaR) through a subjective lens. My PaR, is about attending to and applying movement processes as a body that has a history and acts within a set of conditions, and encountering the bodies of knowledge that comprise TIHR’s archive. I am undergoing multiple series of encounters and navigation processes with selected archive materials,  accompanied by a growing collection of collaborators, participants and audiences.

Research Area

  • Choreography
  • Dance


Chapter Contribition: 'Movement is not something you do, but something you are’: Balancing the Development of Technical Skills with Attentional Practices in Dance Training. Conversation with Ivan Michael Blackstock and Henrietta Hale. Hale, H. & Blackstock, I., 24 Nov 2023, in Ethical Agility in Dance: Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance. Colin, N., Seago, C. & K. S. (eds.). Routledge

Guest Editor: Theatre Dance and Performance Training: Special Edition. Independent Dance and Movement Training 2021: Co- Guest editor affiliated with Independent Dance - Co-Editors, Nikki Tomlinson, Sara Reed, Gitta Wigro.


 ECW Group Relations Conference, Il Nodo Group, Milan Italy 2024  - participant/ contributor 

6th International Dance and Somatic Practices Conference 2023 - Plenary Speaker: 'The future of Dance and somatic Practices' with Rosemary Lee, Kate March, Natalie Garret Brown, 'Funmi Adewole, Diego.

Public Engagement & Impact

Performance research output.

Neurolive, Nov 2023. ~snakeskin in the wild~ a multidisciplinary performance project investgating liveness through an event that combines an experimental theatrepiece with a live (in the wild) neuroscientific experiment. Neurolive ,with Dog Kennel Hill Project

Other Research Interests

Archive theory and practice

Performance theory and scholarship

Somatic Practices

Systems Psychodynamcs

Group Relations

Socio-Technical systems

Embodiment in workplace culture