Design, Birmingham City University
Thesis title:
Holly Rose Doron (2015) S[q]WOTting Between Academia and Practice, AAE Charrette, Volume 2, No. 1, Autumn 2015, pp 81-91 (11).
Hannah Vowles, Jim Low & Holly Rose Doron (2012) Investigating Architecture Studio Culture in the UK: A Progress Report, Journal for Education in the Built Environment, 7:2, 26-49, DOI: 10.11120/jebe.2012.07020026
Architectural Humanities Research Association 2022 Conference 'Building Ground for Climate Collectivism' in New York City, US - 50 ways to regeneratively reimagine our High Streets: A co-creating workshop. Prof Rachel Sara, Dr Louis Rice, Holly Doron.
Architectural Association of Educators 2017 Conference 'Architecture Connects' in Oxford, UK – Integration of practice experience into the design of undergraduate courses. Holly Doron, Christopher Maloney, Hannah Vowles and Ian Shepherd.
Architectural Association of Educators 2014 Conference 'Living and Learning' in Sheffield, UK – S[q]WOTting Between Academia and Practice. Holly Doron.
Regenerative design
Participatory architecture
Place-based learning and experimentation
Rhizomatic learning
Studio culture
Transdisciplinary collaboration