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Lizzy Le Quesne

Dance, Coventry University

Thesis title:

A Dance of Becoming: An investigation into Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT), new materialism, and a dance practice of somatic autobiography

This research is a philosophical and creative dance inquiry into the nature of embodied becoming. The purpose of the research is to explore the nature of embodied materiality and embodied becoming through improvised somatic dance practices, particularly as framed by SRT. The research explores how this can reveal and support affective, pre-linguistic subjectivity and inter-subjectivity; and considers how this can contribute to posthumanist cultural and political discourse through a dance pertinent to an embodied ethics of being and relating. The thesis will articulate a theory and practice of embodied becoming through a number of identified themes across and between SRT, creative somatic dance and new materialist philosophies. The Practice as Research element of the project will explore and develop a series of somatic dance improvisation scores to navigate the core themes in shared space, in exploratory and performative settings.

Research Area

  • Dance