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Marah Jaraisy

Linguistics, University of Birmingham

Thesis title:

Intergenerational Study of Verb Agreement Development in Kufr Qassem Sign Language

I look at the effect of the changing social dynamics of the community on the emergence & development of verb agreement in KQSL

Research Area

  • Linguistics
  • Morphology and Phonology


Stamp, R., & Jaraisy, M. (2021). Language Contact between Israeli Sign Language and Kufr Qassem Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 21(4), 455-491. doi:10.1353/sls.2021.0007.


Jaraisy, Marah & Stamp Rose. Language Contact Between Kufr Qassem Sign Language & Israeli Sign Language: The Future of Kufr Qassem Sign Language? Sociolinguistic Symposium 23, The University of Hong Kong, Online Conference. June 2021 (oral presentation)

Jaraisy, Marah & Stamp Rose. Language Contact Situation Between KQSL and ISL: a case of code-switching, or borrowing? UKLVC12, Queen Mary of London University, London, UK. September 2019 (oral presentation)

Jaraisy, Marah & Stamp, Rose. Language Contact Situation Between KQSL and ISL: a case of code-switching, or borrowing? TISLR13, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany. September 2019 (poster)