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Shaoyu Yang

Languages and Literature, University of Warwick

Thesis title:

Translating Traumatic Memory of Twentieth-Century China: Diasporic Literary Works of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre and Their Translations

My project focuses on the intersection between translation and traumatic memories of twentieth-century China, specifically investigating how diasporic literary works and their translations transmit and (re)construct the memory of the Nanjing Massacre across borders, cultures, and generations.

Research Area

  • Interpreting and Translation
  • Languages and Literature


'Translating Trauma Narratives: A Case Study of the English Translation of Yan Lianke's Si Shu (The Four Books)', Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 9.1 (2022), 26-46 

'Jie-Hyun Lim and Eve Rosenhaft, eds. Mnemonic Solidarity: Global Interventions. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. ISBN 9783030576684. 135 pp.', Comparative Literature & World Literature, 7.1 (2022), 67-74


'Exophony, Self-Translation, and Transcultural Memory of the Nanjing Massacre', 10-minute presentation, Midlands4Cities Research Festival 2023, Birmingham (4 October 2023)

'Memory Lost and Revived: Representations of the Nanjing Massacre in the Novels of Chinese American Writers and their Self-Translation', 15-minute paper, British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference 2023, King's College London (7-8 September 2023)

'Combating Memory Crisis: Ha Jin's Exophonic Writing and the Translation of Nanjing Requiem as Transcultural Memory of the Nanjing Massacre', 20-minute paper, SMLC PGR Symposium: "Rethinking the Crisis across Languages and Cultures", University of Warwick (12 May 2023)

'Wartime Everydayness in Literary Works of the Nanjing Massacre and Their Translations', 20-minute paper, conference title: "Chinese Modernity and Everydayness", Newcastle University (18 July 2022)

Other Research Interests

Memory Studies; Literary Trauma Theory; Contemporary Chinese Literature; Chinese Diasporic Literature; Trauma Novel


British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS)

Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)


LN906 Research Skills in Modern Languages (Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant, School fo Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick, 2021-2023)