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Tyler Broome

Classics, University of Birmingham

Thesis title:

Informal Diplomacy in Ancient Rome: An Analysis of Negotiation in Cicero's Letters

Research Area

  • Classical Literature
  • Classics


Broome, T. “Narratio and political role-playing in Cicero’s letters.” Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology Annual Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Birmingham, 10 May, 2023.

Broome, T., Elliott, T., Jerez Bertolín, L., Mantouvalou, P. “Roundtable: Identity and Ancient Historical Research.” Culture, Power and Identity. School of History and Cultures Postgraduate Conference, University of Birmingham, 5 May, 2023.

Broome, T. "Family Matters: Cicero's modelling of the family dynamic in oratorical prosopopoeia." Australasian Society for Classical Studies Conference 43, 8-11 February, 2022.

Broome, T. "Cicero, prosopopoeia, and the truth-value of theatre." Amphorae XV, 23-25 September, 2021.

Public Engagement & Impact

McIntyre, G. and T. Broome (2022) "Otago's Trailblazer: Isabel Turnbull, the University of Otago's first female Humanities lecturer." Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies. https://www.awaws.org/history-of-women/otagos-trailblazer-isabel-turnbull-the-university-of-otagos-first-female-humanities-lecturer.

Other Research Interests

I am broadly interested in anything to do with the Roman Republic or Empire. My previous studies have focused primarily on Roman rhetoric, but I have also been involved in teaching and projects relating to classical reception, Greek mythology, Roman Imperial propaganda, and numismatics.


2021-2022: Australasian Society for Classical Studies

2021: Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies


2021: Master of Arts (Thesis) in Classics, with Distinction, University of Otago.

Thesis title: Prosopopoeia in Ciceronian Oratory.

Advisor: Emeritus Professor Jon Hall

2019: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Classics, First Class, University of Otago.

Dissertation title: Moral Decline in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae and Bellum Jugurthinum.

Advisor: Dr Gwynaeth McIntyre

2018: Bachelor of Arts – majors Classics, History; minor Latin, University of Otago.

Awards and Funding

2022: Midlands4Cities Scholarship in Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology (PhD), University of Birmingham.
2020: Bruggeman Postgraduate Scholarship in Classics (Masters), University of Otago.
2019: Prize in Classical Studies, University of Otago.
2018: Atticus Prize for Classics, University of Otago.
2018: Taieri Scholarship, University of Otago.
2014: Dux Scholarship, University of Otago.

Research and Teaching Experience

Research Experience

2022: Research Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Otago.
-    Investigating the career and life of Isabel Turnbull, a former lecturer at the University of Otago.
-    Wrote tutorial outlines and assignments, prepared reading list in advance of changes to the 2023 Roman Social History undergraduate course.

2020: Research Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Otago.
-    Compiled student assessment material produced in the 300-level undergraduate paper From Augustus to Nero: Scandal and Intrigue in Imperial Rome into a virtual museum exhibition using Omeka.net (completed project: https://julioclaudiancoinage2020.omeka.net/).

Teaching Experience

2022: Teaching Fellow, Department of Classics, University of Otago.
-    200-level course, Intermediate Latin.
-    Delivered two lectures/workshops per week covering vocabulary and grammar presented in Wheelock’s Latin (Chapters 31-40) and its supplement 38 Latin Stories to a class of 5 undergraduates. Also responsible for coursework marking and feedback.

2022: Tutor, St. Margaret’s College, University of Otago.
-    100-level course, Roman Social History.
-    Designed and delivered specialised tutorial sessions for 5 undergraduate students. Topics included reiteration of lecture material, researching and writing skills, exam preparation.

2020-2022: Tutor, Department of Classics, University of Otago.
-    100-level courses, Roman Social History, Greek Mythology, and Classical Art and Archaeology. 300-level course, From Augustus to Nero: Scandal and Intrigue in Imperial Rome.
-    Delivered fortnightly tutorial sessions to groups of up to 25 undergraduate students, marked and delivered feedback on assessments.
-    Lead tutor of Roman Social History (2022): co-ordinated marking and moderation of assessments for team of 3 tutors, provided administrative assistance with Blackboard system, assisted lead lecturer with assignment planning, assisted with examination marking.

2018-2019: Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) Facilitator, Higher Education Development Centre, University of Otago.
-    100-level courses, Roman Social History, and Greek Mythology.
-    Designed and delivered workshop sessions for up to 10 undergraduate students providing supplementary material to lecture content. Topics included reiteration of subject material, research and writing skills, exam preparation.

Administrative Experience

2022: Book Reviews Editor; Subject Editor; Copy Editor, Rosetta Journal.
2022: Subject Editor, Diogenes Journal.
2021: Postgraduate Representative (New Zealand), Australasian Society for Classical Studies.
2021: Lead Convenor, Amphorae XV conference.
2020-2021: Postgraduate Representative, Department of Classics, University of Otago.
2016-2019: Student Representative (various undergraduate papers), University of Otago.


2023: Attended workshop on (Im)politeness research hosted by Historical Politeness Network for Ancient Languages.
2023: Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Birmingham.
2023: Attended workshop at British School at Rome: Changing Landscapes of the Eternal City.
2019: Peer Assisted Study Session Teaching Development Programme, Higher Education Development Centre, University of Otago.